GSoC Acceptance

So, the results are finally out. My project proposal has been selected for GSoC ‘23, and I will be spending my summer with LPython! I would be working on Implementing Symbolic Algorithms as a part of ASR under the guidance of my mentors, Ondřej Čertík and Gagandeep Singh.

I still remember it was just starting of March, I had been contributing to LPython over a couple of months and had successfully gotten around 6-7 PRs merged. Ondřej reaches out to me and explains me this wonderful idea where LPython could potentially end competing (and beating) Mathematica in terms of speed and performance. I was all in and ready to explore the idea since then .More about my project can be seen here !

Though I quite excited about the results, I could hardly celebrate for 15 mins as my endsemester exams were going on. I was busy preparing for a tough exam scheduled the following day and was trying to busy keep up with the protion at 1 am in the morning.

Lastly, I plan to diligently follow my mentors throughout this journey. I’ve taken the first step already by forking my blog from my Gagandeep’s blog repository as he has also been a previous GSoC student :)


Mumbai, Maharashtra, India